Sunday, November 22, 2009

We should learn to be thankful

Hey there,
i just got back from church.
oh well,nothing much happen
just wanna share some true story here,
it happens in Philippines.
there is this women with lots kids,
they came to this medical mission conference that was organise by my church.
so this women came with a pale,sick looking baby sucking her breast.
but instead of sucking the milk from the mother,
the baby starts crying.
so..a natural thought came is "the mum had no milk left"
and automatic reaction is to take some money and buy some food.

while my pastor about to buy some milk powder for the baby.
the social worker said :we should feed the mum.its the mum who does not eat anytin so there's no milk for the baby.

after awhle the local church pastor came and told them :
you all should not buy anytin for any of them.
because what if you all go,then they cant live in the old lifestyle again.

so at this point of time.
Who should u feed?
A.The baby
B.the mother nothing

at the end,
this local social worker told my pastor :
you should buy 10kg of rice for them
and when my padi Field ripes.
i will share my wheat with them.
so isnt it awesome!

but one thing we must remember is,
we should be thankful,people out there might not have proper cloths to wear.
and i am buying cloths and wasting money here and there.
so take a moment and think awhile,

how blessed are you?

they dont even have proper kitchen sink to washes their dishes!
and to us,that is jus a ordinary sink.

hymmm.pity them yeh?

Love sarahsiau

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